Season 2 Trailer!

The Hole in the Head Moto Storytime podcast is back!

It’s been a weird year. Our friends seem far away, money is tight and the future is cloudy, to say the least. So, in an attempt to stay out of my own head, I’ve been re-connecting with people virtually like a lot of us are, I”m sure. And for the umpteenth time, I’ve considered a reboot of the Storytime podcast - but this time has been different.

Just as it was when I started this project, I want my contribution to the content universe to be more than a bunch of inside jokes or half ass reviews. That said, the scripted audiobook format isn’t appropriate right now - I have enough internal monologue as it is.

Any motoring story I have… started with a chat, and in retrospect, the adventure was an inevitable manifestation of a sometimes completely-unrelated conversation. These conversations might start around some dumb idea or shifting opinion, but they inevitably meander and evolve over a few more conversations into some dumb event we’ve somehow committed ourselves to.

For this season of Hole in the Head, I wanted to see if I could capture that evolution in real-ish time by setting aside some space every week with a guy I’ve known for nearly a decade now. Join me, Andy Taylor and one of my best friends Blaine Dehmlow as we talk trash and have some meandering heart-to-hearts about old cars and motorcycles, our families and how they all fit together.

…and eventually, accidentally build something out of nothing.

Look for the Season 2 available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and iHeartRadio